P-Orion ble produsert av Lockheed Corporation etter å ha vunnet en konkurranse holdt i april 19av den amerikanske marine for å erstatte P-Neptune, . Lockheed_P-3_OrionBufretLignendeOversett denne sidenThe Lockheed P-Orion is a four-engine turboprop anti-submarine and maritime surveillance aircraft developed for the United States Navy and introduced in the . ID=25 Forsvaret har i dag seks P-Orion-fly, som en del av 3skvadronen under 1luftving på Andøya.
Funksjon: Maritimt patruljefly; Produsent: Lockheed Martin; Lengde: 3meter; Høyde: 1meter; Vingespenn: 3meter . The P-Orion is a peerless airborne hunter. Its reputation as the ultimate maritime patrol aircraft has been earned through more than years of service, from . ANALYSE: Forsvaret har bare ett eneste operativt P-3C Orion overvåkingsfly.
Navy’s P-8A Poseidon and P-3C Orion featured in the news frequently. The P-Orion has been the Navy�s frontline, land-based maritime patrol aircraft since the 1960s. The most capable Orion version is the P-3C, . Introduction The P-Orion Research Group is a cooperation of Jaap Dubbeldam and Marco P. We both used to be aircraftspotters at the former . A little video of the Aging Naval Maritime Patrol Aircraft, the Lockheed P-Orion.