
AstronautBufretLignendeOversett denne sidenAn astronaut or cosmonaut (Russian: космонавт) is a person trained by a human spaceflight program to comman pilot, or serve as a crew member of a . I_Am_an_AstronautBufretLignendeI Am an Astronaut er en britisk sang med melodi og tekst av Marty Wilde og Richard Shelley. Sangen ble spilt inn på plate i 19av Martys dengang elleve år .

Steven Lee Smith (born December 3 1958), is an American technology executive and former NASA astronaut, being a veteran of four space flights covering 16 . The Astronaut is a 19science fiction film starring Jackie Cooper and Monte Markham. This made-for-television film follows a man who has been hired to . John Watts Young (født 24. september 19i San Francisco, California) er en forhenværende amerikansk testpilot og astronaut.

Captain John Watts Young (born September 2 1930) is an American former astronaut, naval officer and aviator, test pilot, and aeronautical engineer, who . Steven Glenwood MacLean FRCGS (born December 1 1954) is a Canadian astronaut. He was the President of the Canadian Space Agency, from September . God Is an Astronaut is an Irish post-rock band from the County Wicklow, formed in 20by Niels and Torsten Kinsella. Their style employs elements of electronic .